In “keep cool (part #I)” we have explored a powerful breathing technique “Sheetali Pranayama” to help regulate our body temperature. Let’s now look into one particular asana (yoga pose) that have a similar effect and much much more…

Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose)

A great way to cool the body off is to slow down and unwind. A pose such as Viparita Karani is an interesting mix: it is an inversion, a backbend (if using props to elevate your buttocks) and also a restorative pose. Inverted poses nourish the endocrine glands, promote circulation, balance metabolic function and increase blood flow to the brain. The inverted orientation, combined with neck flexion (chin moving toward chest) stimulates the baro reflex, a chain of chemical reactions that suppress the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and let us rest in the parasympathetic (rest and digest) side. Backbends are exhilarating, and can brighten the heaviness of fatigue. Back bending expands the rib cage, freeing the lungs for deeper breathing, and opening the heart area. The combination of back bending and inverting rejuvenates our energy by promoting free respiration and bringing about profound rest. The effect is a deep, internal cooling of the physical, mental and emotional bodies (scroll down & see my “bonus pic” if you need a proof ;-)).

How to practice Viparita Karani?
Supporting props (optional):
* bolster
* eye bag
* straps
Moving into the pose without a bolster:
Come into a fetal position with your buttocks pressed up against a free wall. This way you can easily swing your legs up the wall with both your buttocks and legs fully supported.
With a bolster:
Place your bolster parallel to and 5 to 10 cm from the wall.
Sit on the right end of your bolster so that your left side body is touching the wall.
Tuck your knees in toward your torso and carefully roll toward the center of your bolster so that you end up on your back with your legs extending up the wall and the tops of your shoulders and back of your head resting on the floor (or yoga mat).
Your buttocks will hang slightly off the bolster. Make sure your entire abdomen is horizontal (area between the bottom of your breastbone to the top of your pubic bones). Move your bolster away from the wall if necessary.
You might enjoy placing a strap around your thighs to prevent your legs from splaying apart.
Close your eyes, use an eye bag if you have one.
Let your arms and hands rest wherever they are most comfortable.

For how long?
You can stay in Viparita Karani for a couple minutes or as long as 20 minutes. If your legs tire of being upright, or if they start to tingle, bend your knees and lower them into a cross-legged position while the rest of your body stays in Viparita Karani.

1) Let go of resistance to gravity. Breathe naturally and let your consciousness expand throughout the entire body. Let thoughts come and go. Relax and let go of control.
2) Comfort is paramount. Pain or discomfort can agitate the body/mind, and will diminish the effects of the pose. If your back is uncomfortable, try lying flat on the floor with no bolster to elevate your hips, and extend your legs up the wall.
3) When you are ready to leave the pose, bend your knees and slide your feet down the wall. Roll onto either side and pause there before gently pushing up to a sitting position. It’s important to leave Viparita Karani with care and mindfulness, to preserve the calm energy you’ve generated by practicing the pose.

* Eye conditions such as glaucoma and detached retina, hiatal hernias or heart conditions, women menstruating
* If using a bolster, backbends are contraindicated for people with spinal issues such as spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis, and for pregnant women in their second and third trimesters.
* People with controlled high blood pressure can modify by lying flat on the floor with their legs up the wall, increasing the height under their hips gradually over months of practice. It’s a good idea to check the effect of the pose with a blood pressure monitor after you’re finished. Over time, regular practice of Viparita Karani can lower blood pressure.

Other benefits:
* Reenergizes your legs after a vigorous hike or run, or after a long period of standing.
* Increases circulation in the legs helping to prevent and/or minimize varicose veins.
* The best pose to settle an agitated, insomniac mind. It simultaneously calms and rejuvenates.
* Viparita Karani is a cool, luxurious oasis you can visit any time.

Go to part #III or catch up on part #I if you have missed it & enjoy the HOT weather! :-)

And the promised bonus pic… ;-)

Cooling down with Beyoutiful Yoga: Viparita Karani

Source: “Viparita Karani: Legs Up the Wall” by Charlotte Bell for