If you follow me on Facebook, these little gems would look familiar, and I hope the photo I posted yesterday on my fan page has whetted your appetite! I only have one word, so as promised, I am now sharing the recipe! Be aware though that you will have no choice but get your hands… sticky, VERY sticky! But it is all good fun, let alone you get to savour some extra yumminess just for yourself!! ;-) I am still in the early stages of my healthy balls-mania journey as I like to call it and this second experiment just confirmed that I will not stop there, there are millions of variations, all looking as yummy as their little sisters! This particular one was given to me by my private yoga client Tony who just came back from a sumptuous health retreat in Queensland with a recipe book full of amazing but simple ideas to cultivate a wholesome and nutritious diet. Afternoon snacks are not left behind, as they never should, and these are gluten and dairy free, as well as high in calcium, we absolutely need them!

Type of dish: Snack, Dessert.
Serves: 20 balls (depending on the size you roll them)
Difficulty: Very easy
Cost: Medium
Prep time: 10-15 min
Cooking time: None

1 cup dried apricots chopped in pieces
½ cup raw almonds soaked & chopped
½ cup desiccated coconut
½ cup LSA (a combination of linseed, also called flaxseed, sunflower seed and almond which is made into a ground meal)
½ cup unhulled tahini
½ cup raw honey

Tahini balls ingredients

Chop almonds (I have used a mortar).

Tahini balls - raw almonds soaked & chopped

Chop apricot into pieces. Mix apricots, almonds, LSA and coconut in a bowl.

Tahini balls - chopped apricots

Add tahini and honey and mix to a firm consistency.

Tahini balls - mixed ingredients

Now the best part: roll the (highly sticky) mixture into walnut size balls (or bigger!) and toss them lightly in coconut.

Tahini balls by Beyoutiful Yoga

Tahini balls by Beyoutiful Yoga

You now have permission to… lick your fingers!!! YUM, which is actually THE best part, isn’t it!! ;-)

Store safely in the fridge, out of your or anyone’s sight…

* I have used unhulled tahini because I like strong nutty flavours, and anything whole and nutritious, but the original recipe was with hulled tahini instead.
* As always these treats can be prepared with any other nuts and dried fruits: hazelnuts, walnuts, figs, sultanas…
* You can also replace LSA by almond meal.
* And finally you can toss them into sesame seeds or LSA instead of coconut!

But of course if you can’t spend a day without your chocolate fix, try the Pure Cocoa Bliss balls, they are divine!

EnJOY & let me know what you think, I’d love to hear from you! :-)