Naturally today there is a huge tendency in everyone for opening the heart! In yoga, our physical heart is represented by the heart chakra, known in Sanskrit as “Anahata”. When the energy in the heart chakra is flowing freely, we feel deeply connected to all beings and we experience an abundance of love, peace, and acceptance. When the heart center is blocked, we tend to feel isolated and fearful, unable to trust and receive the blessings of life. Whether you are single or in a relationship, take the opportunity to meditate on your heart today or tonight in order to open up and clear your heart chakra. Try Japa meditation with the mantra “yum”. Japa meditation is a simple meditation technique involving the repetition of a mantra, and the mantra “yum” is the healing sound that resonates with the heart center.

Take 10 minutes for a simple Japa Meditation on the Heart Chakra
Sit comfortably on a meditation cushion or even on a chair, your spine is long, releasing any tension in the shoulders, relaxing the jaw,  the eyebrows, relaxing your entire face. Rest your palms on your knees or on your thighs, and bring the thumb and index fingers together. Close your eyes softly. Let go of any thoughts of the past, any thoughts of the future, while tuning into your breath and simply listening and observing the qualities of your breath for a few moments…
Take a preparatory breath in and out. As you next inhale, bring your focus to your heart center, as you exhale say or chant the yum mantra in one long syllable “yuuuummmm”. Be aware of the sensations in your body as you repeat the mantra 9 times (or any other number multiple of 9)…
After completing the 9 repetitions (or more), feel the energy flowing freely throughout your body and within your heart chakra. Visualize this energy as a beautiful green light nurturing your heart, and stay with it for a few more moments…
When you are ready, slowly, open your eyes.

Happy Valentine’s Day :-)

meditation on the heart with beyoutiful yoga