What a beautiful day!!! After a night lulled by the thunder’s loud roar, the heavy morning rain has now started to thin out to let a bit of Sun shine through… Do you like the rain? Do you get euphoric when it rains?? I’d love to hear why!!? Please share your personal experiences :-) Over the 5 past years I have lived in Melbourne, I have learnt to enjoy the rain. I used to dislike it (sooo much), for me a rainy day was synonym of a dull day, devoid of good energy, plus I hated getting wet, especially while on my way to work as it meant I would spend the whole day in my humid clothes, boo… what a drama!! ;-) Not only the rain is much needed for our survival on the planet but have you noticed how absolutely everything comes back to life when it rains: the grass and the trees go greener, the air smells like a unique blend of wonderful fragrances emanating from the flowers, the leaves, the Earth… the gloomy sky becomes the stage for a tribal dance performed by the clouds, and sometime, the Sun makes a stealthy appearance! What is there not to like about the rain? Today, with such a warm temperature despite the wet weather, I decided to walk back home from the Yoga class I taught in Port Melbourne. It took me about an hour, and as I was making my way under the fresh droplets of water with my (red) umbrella, I was so present in the moment that my walk naturally became a truly meditative experience, an unexpected and so spontaneous exploration through the senses, it was absolutely delightful! So next time it rains, I invite you to be more receptive of this wonderful gift of nature, start noticing what is happening around you and open up to your senses. Or why not trading your boring black umbrella for a red one, who knows what can follow… ;-)

red umbrella