Did you really think I was going down that road??! Let’s not drift away… although it is Friday, and I’m sure you all had a fair dose of serious stuff over the past five days! Well indeed there is nothing like a Friday to remind us that we are all well alive! With an entire week behind us, busy doing, busy planning, busy questioning, busy reacting, busy busy busy, we all welcome the weekend with great impatience and a sense of surrender. Gratitude is often what we neglect to express. Gratitude means thankfulness. Finding your G-Spot (!), in other words, practicing gratitude, involves not taking things for granted, appreciating simple pleasures, noticing the little things and constantly looking for the good even in unpleasant situations. Why don’t you start bringing gratitude to your experiences as of today? Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. And if quotes can help to translate that concept, I have loads of them that I cannot wait to share, but one in particular inspired me recently, I hope it will help your personal reflection too…

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”
