I know what you are thinking……….. it is Friday, cold, wet and it doesn’t seem to get any better over the weekend. It makes you (us!) wanting to go back under the warm duna and do NO-THING, get the laptop in bed and watch a DVD. Well although I do understand, I really do, this is only one way of approaching the situation! Think about it. Such a state of mind will only make your day even more miserable. Absolutely! So why would you inflict yourself such a thing? Why??! What you can do however, which you will benefit from way more: ACCEPT what is!, smile, stay positive, enjoy the rain (we need it in Melbourne) and plan something nice after work, something that you can look forward to: a bath with some beautiful relaxing essential oils, a wholly meal (if you need recipes, just ask!) and a movie or… a Yoga class! Now would you STOP being grumpy & cheer up!!! Happy Friday :-)