Being conscious of the way you consume becomes a second nature at some point of your yogic journey. And of course no one needs to be a yogi(ni) to start caring about our planet! But it happens to be part of the ethical principles of yoga. Personally I have always tried to be responsible towards the environment as it was part of my education, but since living on a minimal wage as I decided to embark on my yoga teaching journey, I am SO MUCH MORE aware of my spendings! No complains here, it was a personal choice and I am so grateful for it, but of course compulsive shopping is no longer part of my day to day :-) And I now think twice before buying something I may already have or that I may never or rarely use/wear! So why not starting a new day tomorrow with a bright green intention?! Make it your Sankalpa when you next touch the mat so it sticks to your mind when you go out into our world of temptations and desires… Let’s not forget green is the colour associated with the Heart Chakra – Anahata – center of love and compassion.

go green