“There is much more to yoga than just fitness… You can get as much or as little out of yoga as you like… You can come to yoga just for the physical component, if there is mindfulness there then it is yoga, if not it is just exercise…”

These are just a few lines from the 5th episode of Judith Lucy’s spiritual journey that I’d like to share to entice you to watch this video(s) – there are only two, 15 minutes each. Why? Because first Judith is quite a character (that is the least I can say!) & second I think it explains really well what yoga is and what a powerful tool we have to accompany us in our journey through life. Enough said, Judith’s aventures have a far less serious tone… E N J O Y ;-)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtXmz6gQSS8&w=640&h=360]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWIyeVBmaEI&w=640&h=360]