“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

Phyllis Diller

I love this quote because it is very true… don’t you think?!! :-)

Smile… such an (almost) effortless action, which seems to be so difficult to achieve these days: right in the morning, while walking in the street, on the bus or on the tram, at work, at home, at the supermarket, with strangers but also with friends and family, on a sunny day and even sometimes on a holiday! Have you not noticed? Why such a general pattern? Now is not the time to point fingers because everyone has to deal with their own challenges in life. However, if we all did it a little more frequently, chances are we would all feel much lighter, happier and good about ourselves and others! I personally think smiling is important and worth much more than any words in some situations. I perfectly remember when I started working, I use to never understand the whole concept of not acknowledging someone else’s presence with just a simple smile, especially between work colleagues. Yes I was the “someone” but I didn’t even ask for a verbal engagement, a simple smile is all I thought it should take. I quickly realised I was way too ambitious. I think the same idea should apply with all our daily interactions with people and with ourselves: with the cashier at the supermarket even after a long long day, when people let you out of the tram at peak hours, at dinner time around the family table or when you are feeling low. Always make sure your smile is authentic not artificial because the energy you convey to others and to yourself will change entirely.

Now let’s do a simple practice together…

• Please bring your awareness to both ends of your mouth for me.
• Mindfully start drawing these little corners of your lips towards your ears.
• Breathe. Relax. And make this curve on your face a tiny more natural.

How does that feel?? I recommend doing this practice every day as many times as you want and until it comes to you spontaneously and naturally. Be your own witness, it is a very rewarding habit. Because there is nothing like getting a smile back at you…

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”

Mother Teresa