The room I walk in feels like home,
the space is bright and welcoming, the view on the outside lake and garden incredibly peaceful, and my attention instantly drawn onto the pile of blankets and cushions neatly piled up on the side of the room! I feel excitement and wonder HOW MANY of these I should grab to make myself extra comfortable ;-) I am now settling in my favourite Yoga pose, Savasana, feeling the soft layers over and beneath my entire body, it is getting warm and cosy, I let go of the motions, focus on my breath, natural and quiet, I feel safe and supported, thoughts are slowly drifting away, time stops. And I let the teacher’s voice guide me into a state of complete stillness…

This was my Yoga Nidra experience last Saturday at the Satyananda Ashram near Daylesford, absolutely exquisite! I won’t hide it I love Yoga Nidra and if you have a chance to experience it in the near future, JUST DO IT, you won’t regret it and in fact you will ask for more! :-) Yoga Nidra, also know as yogic sleep or sleep with awareness, is a deep relaxation technique which enables the practitioner access to the unconscious mind in a conscious way. The practice lasts from 20 to 45 minutes, it is extremely safe and more effective after doing a few postures (asanas) as it allows to release tensions in the body, clear your mind and your energy channels. Be aware that remaining awake during the duration of the session is important, although you will find it difficult initially! But don’t be discouraged as you will still benefit from the practice even if you do fall asleep and you will learn how to remain awake over time. Yoga Nidra uses various techniques such as visualization and affirmation (Sankalpa) to let go of the negative unconscious patterns imprinted in our mind (Samskaras), and to plant and grow a new seed to support a positive change. Be aware that these negative unconscious patterns may be brought to surface at some stage of the practice or even after, it is only a manifestation of the healing process being engaged. The powerful method of Yoga Nidra induces a complete mental, physical and emotional relaxation while maintaining awareness at deeper levels to enable shifting and transforming mental and physical impressions. Soooo… convincing enough?? ;-)

Note that it is recommended to experience your first Yoga Nidra practice under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

Satyananda Ashram

Satyananda Ashram