The Algonquin Indians, the most populous and widespread North American Native groups, call a full moon in June a strawberry moon because it is the time of their relatively short harvest; it was a signal for them to pick up ripening fruits! In Europe this full moon is referred to as the rose moon, as roses are in full bloom at this late stage of Spring… But today June 4 of 2012 the strawberry moon is also passing behind the earth to offer us a partial lunar eclipse!!! At its maximun eclipse, 37% of the moon will be darkened by the earth’s shadow, and contrary to many peoples expectations, the part of the moon that goes through the earth’s shadow doesn’t turn black but instead goes a faint orange or red colour. How amazing! Although here is Australia we are very well positioned to observe the partial lunar eclipse this evening, weather conditions may not cooperate :-| But when such a “beyoutiful” event occurs in our solar system, it is a wonderful reminder for us to get back in touch with nature and be thankful for all the things it offers us. From a yoga perspective, a full moon is a time of rest where we prefer a gentle approach to our regular practice in order to counteract the strong pull from the moon, restore our body and recoup our energy or Prana (life force).

My advise for tonight: keep warm & cosy, be kind to yourself, and cultivate your inner peace with a “beyoutiful” meditation on the moon for a happy full strawberry moon & partial lunar eclipse! ;-)

strawberry moon & partial lunar eclipse